
How We’re Better

Angelic Real Estate Advisors put clients’ interests first. This is why we have become one of the most recognized commercial real estate brands in the world.

At Angelic Real Estate we believe in and actively practice Compensated Cooperation. This means that our Advisors commit to sharing fees equitably on any given transaction with other agents, outside brokers, and independent agents. All outside brokers and buyers are invited to opportunities and are equally rewarded for their efforts and relationships.

Through the practice of Compensated Cooperation, Advisors are able to expand their market reach in primary, secondary, and tertiary markets, allowing them to service their clients on a national level, from Main Street to Wall Street. This increased exposure generates more offers, which leads to maximum value for clients.

Our Advisors believe that Compensated Cooperation is not just in the client’s best interest, but it is simply the right thing to do. That’s the Angelic Real Estate Difference.

Our Services

Corporate Real Estate Services

Angelic Real Estate's corporate real estate project portfolio includes over $1 billion in transactions and projects of all types over the past decade, including: leases, subleases, purchases, sales, lease buyouts, sale/leasebacks and build-to-suits. Beyond transactions, our experience includes management and oversight of entire corporate portfolios (leased and owned) and strategic planning consulting assignments for individual locations, corporate divisions, geographic regions and entire portfolios. MORE >

Investment Real Estate

Our investment advisory and brokerage team works nationally and internationally on investment properties in most major asset classes. As an investment/asset manager we will oversee acquisition, management and disposition for passive investor interests. MORE >

Build-to-Suit Financing & Transaction Structuring

Angelic works with all asset classes in build-to-suit transactions, which historically includes primarily office, industrial and retail properties, but can also include medical properties and other special-use assets like data centers and biotech/pharmaceutical facilities. MORE >

Sale & Leaseback Transactions

Angelic Real Estate structures and places sale and leaseback transactions with investors that provide the lowest cost of capital for a given corporate objective. Our impressive portfolio includes closed transactions on a multitude of properties ranging from retail stores, to hospitals and outpatient clinics, to a number of industrial properties for a large equipment rental company. MORE >

Infrastructure Capital Finance

Infrastructure Capital Finance (ICF) is an infrastructure project capital structuring and sourcing affiliate of Angelic Real Estate. ICF funds and acquires a number infrastructure project types, which can be new, ground-up developments, or existing assets. MORE >

Due Diligence & Lease Abstraction

Are you an investor looking to acquire or invest in a commercial real estate property? Angelic Real Estate audits the seller’s numbers, obtains a full property report (including income and expense data, as well as market comparables), and can provide a future cash flow analysis with the goal of giving investors a ‘complete picture’ of the property of interest. MORE >

Tenant Improvement, Bridge and Permanent Financing

As an intermediary, Angelic Real Estate can arrange for bridge loan financing for acquisitions of value-add or opportunistic deals, or for other transition deals that will have a substantial change in their cash flows before stabilization. MORE >

Ready to find out more?

Let's connect to discuss how we can best advise you.